FlightDeck is an R package designed to make it easy to create interactive dashboards for reporting outputs of predictive models.
FlighDeck is not currently available from CRAN, and is under acive development. You can install a stable binary from https://alteryx.github.io/drat or the development version from github.
# Install stable binary...
repos = c(getOption('repos'), alteryx = 'https://alteryx.github.io/drat')
# ... or development version from github using devtools.
Here is a single page dashboard generated using flightdeck.
mod <- lm(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars)
# Sidebar
sidebar <- fdSidebarMenu(
fdMenuItem('Summary', icon = fdIcon('th'), pageName = 'page1')
# Body
row1 <- fdRow(
fdInfoBox('Adjusted R-squared', '80.7%',
color = 'blue', icon = fdIcon('chart-line', lib = 'entypo')),
fdInfoBox('F-Statistic', 13.93, 'on 10 and 21 degrees of freedom',
color = 'green', icon = fdIcon('star', lib = 'entypo')),
fdInfoBox('Residual Standard Error', 2.65, 'on 21 degrees of freedom',
color = 'purple', icon = fdIcon('flash', lib = 'entypo'))
row2 <- fdRow(fdBox(fdPanelCoefficients(mod), width = 12))
page1 <- fdPage(row1, row2, id = 'page1', display = TRUE)
fdHeader(title = 'Linear Regression'),