Source code for ayx_python_sdk.providers.e1_provider.e1_plugin_proxy

# Copyright (C) 2022 Alteryx, Inc. All rights reserved.
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Base plugin definition."""
import logging
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, NoReturn, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Type

import AlteryxPythonSDK as Sdk

from ayx_python_sdk.core.exceptions import (
from ayx_python_sdk.core.observable_mixin import ObservableMixin
from ayx_python_sdk.providers.e1_provider.anchor_builder import AnchorBuilder
from ayx_python_sdk.providers.e1_provider.connection_callback_strategy import (
from ayx_python_sdk.providers.e1_provider.connection_interface import (
from ayx_python_sdk.providers.e1_provider.e1_environment import E1Environment
from ayx_python_sdk.providers.e1_provider.e1_input_anchor_proxy import (
from ayx_python_sdk.providers.e1_provider.e1_io import E1IO
from ayx_python_sdk.providers.e1_provider.e1_output_anchor_proxy import (
from ayx_python_sdk.providers.e1_provider.e1_plugin_driver import E1PluginDriver
from ayx_python_sdk.providers.e1_provider.e1_provider import E1Provider
from import (
from ayx_python_sdk.providers.e1_provider.tool_config_loader import ToolConfigLoader
from ayx_python_sdk.providers.e1_provider.workflow_config import WorkflowConfiguration

    from ayx_python_sdk.core.plugin import Plugin  # noqa: F401
    from ayx_python_sdk.providers.e1_provider.connection_callback_strategy import (

[docs]class E1PluginProxy(ObservableMixin): """Base plugin to inherit from.""" __slots__ = [ "tool_id", "anchor_builder", "input_anchors", "output_anchors", "workflow_config", "failure_occurred", "initialized", "record_batch_size", "plugin_driver", "engine", "user_plugin", "tool_config_loader", "_output_anchor_mgr", "__environment", "__io", "__input_connections", ] user_plugin_class: Type["Plugin"] user_plugin_directory_name: str def __init__( self, tool_id: int, alteryx_engine: Sdk.AlteryxEngine, output_anchor_mgr: Sdk.OutputAnchorManager, ): """Construct a plugin.""" ObservableMixin.__init__(self) self.tool_id = tool_id self.engine = alteryx_engine self._output_anchor_mgr = output_anchor_mgr self.initialized = False self.failure_occurred = False self.__environment = E1Environment(alteryx_engine, tool_id, self) self.__io = E1IO(alteryx_engine, tool_id) self.__input_connections: List = [] self.configure_logger() # These properties should be assigned before pi_init gets called self.record_batch_size: Optional[int] = None # These properties get assigned in pi_init self.anchor_builder: Optional[AnchorBuilder] = None self.workflow_config = WorkflowConfiguration("<Configuration/>") self.input_anchors: List[E1InputAnchorProxy] = [] self.output_anchors: List[E1OutputAnchorProxy] = [] self.plugin_driver: Optional[E1PluginDriver] = None self.tool_config_loader = ToolConfigLoader(self.user_plugin_directory_name)
[docs] def pi_init(self, workflow_config_xml_string: str) -> None: """Plugin initialization from the engine.""" if self.tool_name is None: raise ValueError("Name must be set before plugin can be used.") # DO NOT REMOVE NEXT LINE: The base SDK has issues with sys.path updates, # and in order to fix some dependency resolution issues we have to update it again here self.update_sys_path() self.anchor_builder = AnchorBuilder( self.tool_config_loader.get_tool_config(), self._output_anchor_mgr ) self.workflow_config = WorkflowConfiguration(workflow_config_xml_string) self.input_anchors = self.anchor_builder.build_input_anchors() self.output_anchors = self.anchor_builder.build_output_anchors() self.notify_topic(PluginEvents.PLUGIN_INITIALIZED) self.plugin_driver = E1PluginDriver( self.user_plugin_class, E1Provider(self, self.workflow_config) )
[docs] def pi_add_incoming_connection( self, anchor_name: str, connection_name: str ) -> ConnectionInterface: """Add incoming connection to the tool from the engine.""" anchor = [a for a in self.input_anchors if == anchor_name][0] connection = ConnectionInterface(self, connection_name, anchor) anchor.connections.append(connection) self._subscribe_to_connection(connection) return connection
def _subscribe_to_connection(self, connection: ConnectionInterface) -> None: """Subscribe to events of interest generated by a connection.""" connection.subscribe( ConnectionEvents.CONNECTION_INITIALIZED, self.callback_strategy.connection_initialized_callback, ) connection.subscribe( ConnectionEvents.RECORD_RECEIVED, self.callback_strategy.record_received_callback, ) connection.subscribe( ConnectionEvents.CONNECTION_CLOSED, self.callback_strategy.connection_closed_callback, ) connection.subscribe( ConnectionEvents.PROGRESS_UPDATE, self.callback_strategy.update_progress_callback, )
[docs] def pi_add_outgoing_connection(self, anchor_name: str) -> bool: """Register an outgoing connection from this tool.""" anchor = [a for a in self.output_anchors if == anchor_name][0] anchor.num_connections += 1 return True
[docs] def pi_push_all_records(self, n_record_limit: int) -> bool: """Push all records when no inputs are connected.""" try: if len(self.required_input_anchors) == 0: if self.plugin_driver is None: raise ValueError("Record provider must be initialized.") self.plugin_driver.initialize_plugin() self.initialized = True if not self.environment.update_only: self.plugin_driver.on_complete() self.close_output_anchors() return True self.raise_missing_inputs() except Exception as e: self.handle_plugin_error(e) return False
[docs] def raise_missing_inputs(self) -> NoReturn: """Send a missing incoming inputs error to Designer.""" raise WorkflowRuntimeError("Missing Incoming Connection(s).")
[docs] def pi_close(self, b_has_errors: bool) -> None: """pi_close is useless. Never use it.""" pass
[docs] def configure_logger(self) -> None: """Configure the logger.""" formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s") file_handler = logging.FileHandler(self.log_filepath) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.addHandler(file_handler) stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stream_handler.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.addHandler(stream_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
[docs] def handle_plugin_error(self, e: Exception) -> None: """Log a plugin error to the log and a generic error to Designer.""" logger = self.logger if isinstance(e, WorkflowRuntimeError): logger.error(str(e)) else: logger.exception(e) f"Unexpected error occurred in plugin please see log file: {str(self.log_filepath)}" ) self.failure_occurred = True self.notify_topic(PluginEvents.PLUGIN_FAILURE, exception=e)
[docs] def push_all_metadata(self) -> None: """Push all metadata for anchors.""" for anchor in self.output_anchors: anchor.push_metadata()
[docs] def close_output_anchors(self) -> None: """Close connection for all output anchors.""" for anchor in self.output_anchors: anchor.close()
[docs] def get_input_anchor(self, input_anchor_name: str) -> E1InputAnchorProxy: """Get an input anchor by name.""" try: return [ anchor for anchor in self.input_anchors if == input_anchor_name ][0] except IndexError: raise AnchorNotFoundException(f"{input_anchor_name} not found.")
[docs] def get_output_anchor(self, output_anchor_name: str) -> E1OutputAnchorProxy: """Get an output anchor by name.""" try: return [ anchor for anchor in self.output_anchors if == output_anchor_name ][0] except IndexError: raise AnchorNotFoundException(f"{output_anchor_name} not found.")
[docs] def update_sys_path(self) -> None: """ Update the sys.path to fix SDK issues. The sys.path must be updated to include: - The venv path - The tool directory in order for inline imports to work due to base SDK sys.path manipulation issues. """ install_metadata = self.tool_config_loader.get_tool_install_metadata() for path in [ install_metadata.venv_path / "Lib" / "site-packages", install_metadata.install_path, ]: sys.path.append(str(path))
@property def tool_name(self) -> str: """Getter for the tool name.""" return self.user_plugin_class.__name__ @property def callback_strategy(self) -> "ConnectionCallbackStrategy": """Generate the callback strategy for the tool.""" return ( UpdateOnlyConnectionCallbackStrategy(self) if self.environment.update_only else WorkflowRunConnectionCallbackStrategy(self) ) @property def log_directory(self) -> Path: """Get the log directory.""" if sys.platform == "win32": log_directory = Path(os.environ["localappdata"]) / "Alteryx" / "Log" else: # Required for CI/CD pipelines running in linux environment # + future proofing log_directory = Path.home() / ".Alteryx" / "Log" log_directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return log_directory @property def log_filepath(self) -> Path: """Get the log filename.""" return self.log_directory / f"{self.tool_name}{self.tool_id}.log" @property def all_required_connections_connected(self) -> bool: """Getter that indicates if all required connections are connected.""" return all( [len(anchor.connections) > 0 for anchor in self.required_input_anchors] ) @property def all_connections_initialized(self) -> bool: """Getter that indicates if all input connections are initialized.""" return all( [ connection.status != ConnectionStatus.CREATED for anchor in self.input_anchors for connection in anchor.connections ] ) @property def all_connections_closed(self) -> bool: """Getter that indicates if all input connections are closed.""" return all( [ connection.status == ConnectionStatus.CLOSED for anchor in self.input_anchors for connection in anchor.connections ] ) @property def required_input_anchors(self) -> List[E1InputAnchorProxy]: """Get the list of required input anchors for this tool.""" return [anchor for anchor in self.input_anchors if not anchor.optional] @property def logger(self) -> logging.Logger: """Get logger.""" return logging.getLogger(f"{self.tool_name}{self.tool_id}") @property def io(self) -> E1IO: """Get the IO object from this provider.""" return self.__io @property def environment(self) -> E1Environment: """Get the Environment object from this provider.""" return self.__environment