This functions lets the user add a modal, popover or tooltip to a html element that will be displayed on click or hover.
fdModal(x, message, title = NULL, ..., .list = NULL) fdPopover(x, message, title = NULL, ..., .list = NULL) fdTooltip(x, message, title = NULL, ..., .list = NULL)
library(flightdeck) library(htmltools) # Tooltlip myIcon <- fdIcon("info-sign", lib = 'glyphicon') tooltipData <- list( message = 'This plot shows if residuals are normally distributed.', title = 'Residuals', placement = 'right' ) box1 <- fdBox(title = span("Tooltip", myIcon %>% fdTooltip(.list = tooltipData))) box2 <- fdBox(title = span("Popover", myIcon %>% fdPopover(.list = tooltipData))) box3 <- fdBox(title = span("Modal", myIcon %>% fdModal(.list = tooltipData))) myBoxes <- tagList(box1, box2, box3) if (interactive()){ fdPreviewBoard(myBoxes, 'Modal, Tooltip and Popovers', wrapBox = F) } # Example 2 title <- span('Hello', fdIcon('info-circle') %>% fdPopover( message = 'Welcome to flighdeck! The best dashboarding package ever.', title = 'Hello' ) ) if (interactive()){ fdBox( p("This is a really cool thing..."), title = title, footer = tags$small('Click on the info sign to view help.'), solidHeader = FALSE, status = 'danger' ) %>% fdPreview(wrapBox = F) }