
These functions help assemble the overall dashboard.

Create a dashboard

Create the body of the dashboard.

Create the header of the dashboard

Create a page of the dashboard

Create the sidebar of the dashboard.

Create a menu in the sidebar


These functions help organize different panels on the dashboard.

Create a box

Create a column

Create a row


These functions help create panels that are composed of widgets to display different model outputs.

Display performance metrics for a classification model

Display performance metrics by class for a classification model

Display regression coefficients

Display a histogram and table of summary statistics

Display variable importance

Display a panel of metrics

Display a panel of diagnostic plots for regression models

Display performance metrics for a regression model

Display model residuals for a linear regression model

Dispaly scatterplot of actual vs. predicted values for a regression model.


These functions help create widgets which can then be composed into panels.

Create a dropdown menu

Create a font icon.

Create an info box.

Create a message

Create a modal, popover or tooltip

Create a notification

Create an interactive plot using plotly.

Create a table

Display a statistic

Create an interactive tour of a page.

Create a value box.


These functions create custom interactive plots

Interactive performance plots for classification models.

Interactive Conditional Density Plot

Interactive Confusion Matrix

Interactive plot for cv.glmnet object.

Interactive coefficient profile plot for glmnet objects.

Interactive Mismatch Matrix


These functions help preview a widget.

Preview a widget in the dashboard.

Render a dashboard in Alteryx.