An info box displays a large icon on the left side, and a title, value (usually a number), and an optional smaller subtitle on the right side. Info boxes are meant to be placed in the main body of a dashboard.

fdInfoBox(title, value = NULL, subtitle = NULL,
  icon = fdIcon("bar-chart"), color = "aqua", width = 4, href = NULL,
  fill = FALSE)


Title text.
The value to display in the box. Usually a number or short text.
Subtitle text (optional).
An icon tag, created by icon.
A color for the box.
The width of the box, using the Bootstrap grid system. This is used for row-based layouts. The overall width of a region is 12, so the default valueBox width of 4 occupies 1/3 of that width. For column-based layouts, use NULL for the width; the width is set by the column that contains the box.
An optional URL to link to.
If FALSE (the default), use a white background for the content, and the color argument for the background of the icon. If TRUE, use the color argument for the background of the content; the icon will use the same color with a slightly darkened background.

See also

fdBox for usage examples.

Other boxes: fdBox, fdValueBox



# Example 1

if (interactive()){
    fdInfoBox('Adjusted R-squared', '86.9%',
      color = 'blue', icon = fdIcon('chart-line', lib = 'entypo')),
    fdInfoBox('F-Statistic', 13.93,  'on 10 and 21 degrees of freedom',
      color = 'green', icon = fdIcon('star', lib = 'entypo')),
    fdInfoBox('Residual Standard Error', 2.65, 'on 21 degrees of freedom',
      color = 'purple', icon = fdIcon('flash', lib = 'entypo'))
  ) %>%
    fdPreview(wrapBox = F)

# Example 2: Interactive help embedded in stat box.
# The message supports markdown.
msg <- "The adjusted R-squared measures the explanatory power of regression models."

adjRsquared <- span("Adjusted R-squared",
  fdIcon('info-circled', lib = 'entypo') %>%
    fdModal(msg, title = 'Adjusted R-Squared')

if (interactive()){
    fdInfoBox(adjRsquared, '86.9%',
      color = 'blue', icon = fdIcon('chart-line', lib = 'entypo')),
    fdInfoBox('F-Statistic', 13.93,  'on 10 and 21 degrees of freedom',
      color = 'green', icon = fdIcon('star', lib = 'entypo')),
    fdInfoBox('Residual Standard Error', 2.65, 'on 21 degrees of freedom',
      color = 'purple', icon = fdIcon('flash', lib = 'entypo'))
  ) %>%
    fdPreview(wrapBox = F)