This widget makes it easy to create an interactive tour of the various panels on a page of the dashboard. It relies on the
fdTour(steps, options, button = NULL, width = 30, height = 10)
library(flightdeck) library(htmltools) #' Example 1 fit <- rpart::rpart(Species ~ ., data = iris) actual <- iris$Species predicted <- predict(fit, type = 'class') ## Clicking on the Alteryx title will trigger an interactive tour of the page. tour = fdTour(list( list(intro = 'Decision Tree'), list( intro = "This panel displays class-wise performance metrics.", element = htmlwidgets::JS("document.querySelector('.box')"), numberPosition = "top-right", tooltipPosition = "right" ) ), list(), '.logo-lg', width = 90, height = 30) fdPanelClassificationMetrics(actual, predicted) %>% fdPreviewBoard(title = 'Classification Performance', tour, wrap = 'rowbox') tourButton <- tags$li( tags$a(id = 'tour', href = "#", fdIcon('play'), 'Tour') ) tour = fdTour(list( list(intro = 'Decision Tree'), list( intro = "This panel displays class-wise performance metrics.", element = htmlwidgets::JS("document.querySelector('.box')"), numberPosition = "top-right", tooltipPosition = "right" ) ), list(), '#tour', width = 90, height = 30) fdBoard( fdHeader(title = 'Decision Tree', tourButton), fdSidebar(), fdBody( fdRowBox(width = 12, fdPanelClassificationMetrics(actual, predicted)), tour ) )