Source code for ayx_python_sdk.cli.workspace

# Copyright (C) 2022 Alteryx, Inc. All rights reserved.
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"""Configurations for managing the workspace."""
import copy
import json
import os
import shutil
import string
import xml.etree.ElementTree as Et
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List

from ayx_python_sdk.cli.utilities import get_install_dir
from ayx_python_sdk.cli.yxi_builder import YxiBuilder

from pydantic import BaseModel

import xmltodict


[docs]class WorkspaceError(Exception): """Exception for workspace errors.""" pass
[docs]class Workspace(BaseModel): """Class that wraps all workspace configurations and handles basic workspace functions.""" workspace_dir: Path tools: List[str] yxi_name: str tool_family_name: str
[docs] @classmethod def build_workspace( cls, workspace_directory: Path, allow_creation: bool = False ) -> "Workspace": """Create a workspace instance that wraps the configurations for the given workspace_directory.""" if not workspace_directory.is_dir(): if allow_creation: Workspace._create_workspace_directory(workspace_directory) else: raise WorkspaceError("Workspace directory not found.") workspace_config_path = workspace_directory / WORKSPACE_CONFIGURATION_FILE_NAME if not workspace_config_path.exists(): raise WorkspaceError( "ERROR: Specified workspace_directory isn't a workspace directory, " f"since a {WORKSPACE_CONFIGURATION_FILE_NAME} file doesn't exist." "Please use an existing workspace, or specify a directory that doesn't exist yet." ) with open( str(workspace_directory / WORKSPACE_CONFIGURATION_FILE_NAME), "r" ) as f: raw_data = json.load(f) migrated_data = cls.migrate_raw_workspace_config(raw_data) workspace = cls(workspace_dir=workspace_directory, **migrated_data) if migrated_data != raw_data: workspace.write() return workspace
@classmethod def _create_workspace_directory(cls, workspace_directory: Path) -> None: """Copy the base configs to the tool directory.""" cls._copy_base_workspace_config(workspace_directory) workspace = cls( workspace_dir=workspace_directory, yxi_name=workspace_directory.resolve().name, tool_family_name=workspace_directory.resolve().name, tools=[], ) workspace.write() @staticmethod def _copy_base_workspace_config(workspace_directory: Path) -> None: install_dir = get_install_dir() shutil.copytree( str(install_dir / "assets" / "base_tool_config"), str(workspace_directory), ) shutil.copy( str(install_dir / "examples" / "requirements.txt"), str(workspace_directory), )
[docs] @classmethod def migrate_raw_workspace_config(cls, data: Dict) -> Dict: """Migrate raw JSON from old format to new format.""" migrated_data = copy.deepcopy(data) if "tools" in data: tools = migrated_data["tools"] if not isinstance(tools, list): raise WorkspaceError( "tools field in config file not properly formatted." ) migrated_data["tools"] = [cls._migrate_tool(tool) for tool in tools] else: migrated_data["tools"] = [] return migrated_data
@staticmethod def _migrate_tool(tool: Any) -> str: # We migrated from a tools object, to just a simple list of tool names if isinstance(tool, str): return tool if isinstance(tool, dict): if "name" not in tool: raise WorkspaceError( f"Couldn't find tool name in tool {tool} during migration." ) name: str = tool["name"] return name raise WorkspaceError( f"Couldn't parse tool {tool} during migration. " "It should be a string, or an object with a 'name' key" )
[docs] def add_tool_from_template(self, tool_name: str, template_tool_name: str) -> None: """Add a tool to the workspace.""" tool_name_without_whitespace = remove_whitespace(tool_name) if not tool_name_without_whitespace.isalnum(): raise WorkspaceError(f"The tool name is not alpha numeric: {tool_name}.") new_tool_directory = ( self.workspace_dir / tool_name_without_whitespace ).resolve() if new_tool_directory.is_dir(): raise WorkspaceError( f"The plugin '{tool_name_without_whitespace}' already exists in the workspace." ) example_tool_directory = get_install_dir() / "examples" / template_tool_name shutil.copytree(str(example_tool_directory), str(new_tool_directory)) self._update_config_file(template_tool_name, tool_name) self._update_main_py(template_tool_name, tool_name_without_whitespace) self.write()
def _update_config_file(self, example_tool_name: str, new_tool_name: str) -> None: new_tool_name_no_whitespace = remove_whitespace(new_tool_name) old_config_path = ( self.workspace_dir / new_tool_name_no_whitespace / f"{example_tool_name}Config.xml" ) new_config_path = ( old_config_path.parent / f"{new_tool_name_no_whitespace}Config.xml" ) os.rename(str(old_config_path), str(new_config_path)) with open(str(new_config_path)) as f: config = xmltodict.parse( config["AlteryxJavaScriptPlugin"]["Properties"]["MetaInfo"][ "Name" ] = new_tool_name with open(str(new_config_path), "w") as f: f.write(xmltodict.unparse(config, pretty=True)) def _update_main_py(self, example_tool_name: str, new_tool_name: str) -> None: """Update the name of the tool in the file.""" main_filepath = self.workspace_dir / new_tool_name / "" with open(str(main_filepath), "r") as f: content = content = content.replace(example_tool_name, new_tool_name) with open(str(main_filepath), "w") as f: f.write(content)
[docs] def delete_tool(self, tool_name: str) -> None: """Remove a tool from the workspace.""" tool_name_without_whitespace = remove_whitespace(tool_name) if tool_name_without_whitespace not in raise WorkspaceError( f"No tool folder found for {tool_name_without_whitespace}" ) tool_path = self.workspace_dir / tool_name_without_whitespace shutil.rmtree(tool_path, ignore_errors=True) self.write()
[docs] def build_yxi( self, output_yxi_path: Path, package_requirements: bool = True ) -> None: """Build a YXI for the workspace.""" if not raise WorkspaceError("No tools have been added yet.") self._set_tool_family() YxiBuilder( self.workspace_dir, output_yxi_path,[0], package_requirements ).build_yxi()
def _set_tool_family(self) -> None: """Ensure the workspace Config.xml and sub tools contains the tool family.""" xml_paths = [self.workspace_dir / "Config.xml"] + [ self.workspace_dir / tool / f"{tool}Config.xml" for tool in ] for path in xml_paths: with open(str(path), "r") as config_file: tree = Et.parse(config_file) root_node = tree.getroot() engine_settings = root_node.find("EngineSettings") if engine_settings is None: raise ValueError("Config XML doesn't contain EngineSettings tag.") engine_settings.attrib["ToolFamily"] = self.tool_family_name tree.write(str(path))
[docs] def write(self) -> None: """Write the workspace configurations to the workspace directory.""" workspace_config_path = self.workspace_dir / WORKSPACE_CONFIGURATION_FILE_NAME with open(str(workspace_config_path), "w") as workspace_config_file: workspace_config_file.write( self.json( exclude={ "workspace_dir": ..., "tools": {"__all__": {"ToolDirectory"}}, }, indent=2, ) )
[docs]def remove_whitespace(s: str) -> str: """Remove whitespace from a string.""" for whitespace_char in string.whitespace: s = s.replace(whitespace_char, "") return s