ayx_python_sdk.cli package


ayx_python_sdk.cli.utilities module

Helper methods for managing the virtual environment.

ayx_python_sdk.cli.utilities.environment_requires_update(workspace: Workspace)bool[source]

Determine if the virtual environments for the tools should be updated.


Get the path to Alteryx Designer.


Get the current directory.

ayx_python_sdk.cli.utilities.get_tool_family_attribute_from_config(config_xml_path: pathlib.Path)str[source]

Get the ToolFamily attribute from the Config.xml file.

ayx_python_sdk.cli.workspace module

Configurations for managing the workspace.

class ayx_python_sdk.cli.workspace.Workspace[source]

Bases: pydantic.main.BaseModel

Class that wraps all workspace configurations and handles basic workspace functions.

add_tool_from_template(tool_name: str, template_tool_name: str)None[source]

Add a tool to the workspace.

classmethod build_workspace(workspace_directory: pathlib.Path, allow_creation: bool = False)ayx_python_sdk.cli.workspace.Workspace[source]

Create a workspace instance that wraps the configurations for the given workspace_directory.

build_yxi(output_yxi_path: pathlib.Path, package_requirements: bool = True)None[source]

Build a YXI for the workspace.

delete_tool(tool_name: str)None[source]

Remove a tool from the workspace.

classmethod migrate_raw_workspace_config(data: Dict) → Dict[source]

Migrate raw JSON from old format to new format.

tool_family_name: str = None
tools: List[str] = None
workspace_dir: Path = None

Write the workspace configurations to the workspace directory.

yxi_name: str = None
exception ayx_python_sdk.cli.workspace.WorkspaceError[source]

Bases: Exception

Exception for workspace errors.

ayx_python_sdk.cli.workspace.remove_whitespace(s: str)str[source]

Remove whitespace from a string.

ayx_python_sdk.cli.yxi_builder module

Class for building YXIs.

class ayx_python_sdk.cli.yxi_builder.YxiBuilder(workspace_dir: pathlib.Path, output_yxi_path: pathlib.Path, requirements_tool: str, package_requirements: bool = True)[source]

Bases: object

YXI Builder class.


Build the YXI.

ayx_python_sdk.cli.yxi_installer module

Wrappers to handle interactions with YXI Installer.

class ayx_python_sdk.cli.yxi_installer.YxiInstaller(yxi_paths: List[pathlib.Path], alteryx_path: pathlib.Path, clean: bool = False, update_venv: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

Class that wraps install commands from the YXI Installer executable.


Execute the install YXI command from the YXI Installer executable.

Module contents

Command line interface definitions.